vineri, 22 martie 2013

Adding PMI (PerformanceMonitorInterceptor) to your application in 3 easy steps

Yesterday I found out that Spring cares about showing how fast it is, but not only that, it does make it easy for you, and without further ado let's get to business.

1. Declare the interceptor (PerformanceMonitorInterceptor) and its pointcut (declaring a pointcut) within the aspect configuration:

Save the below configuration into a config file (aop-config.xml).

2. Include the aop-config.xml file in the spring general configuration file: 
3. And enable logging for:

The logging has to be to TRACE in order for you to see the following:

Line 22734: 178062 ["http-bio-8079"-exec-2] TRACE org.springframework.aop.interceptor.PerformanceMonitorInterceptor  - StopWatch ' com.mypackage.service.ApplicationParametersService.getApplicationParam': running time (millis) = 12

Line 23155: 178551 ["http-bio-8079"-exec-2] TRACE org.springframework.aop.interceptor.PerformanceMonitorInterceptor  - StopWatch 'com.mypackage.service.common.PaginatedTableService.getData': running time (millis) = 467

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